// gcc addtime.c -o addtime // By fnikala a gmail.com modified and secured by jonelf a gmail.com // // Say you have a program that gives you some kind // of status message that you want to keep in a log file // but the said program does not give you a time stamp. // Usage example: checkip | addtime >>logfile.log // Resulting row in logfile.log: // 07-05-10 12:37 The status from the checkip program // #include #include #include int main(void){ time_t tmytime; struct tm* smytime; char inp[1984]; while(fgets(inp,1984,stdin)) { time(&tmytime); smytime=localtime(&tmytime); printf("%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", smytime->tm_year%100, smytime->tm_mon+1, smytime->tm_mday, smytime->tm_hour, smytime->tm_min, smytime->tm_sec, inp); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }